The success of a website revolves around the user's experience while visting the site. Whether it is simply browsing, gathering information or making a transaction, the user must take away a feeling of ease and satisfaction. It is this positive take away that ensures that the user returns to the site again and again, thus ensuring a long-term relationship.
An intuitive navigation supported by a distinctive and memorable interface go a long way in building a relationship with the users. Today, with sites expected to perform ever more complex functions, creating a pleasing and usable site is the key to survival in the digital marketplace. Module one offers expertise in shaping the user experience according to your business needs.
Our creative services cover the following areas:
- Website design and redesign : User Interface Design, Information Architecture, Content Strategy and Development, Usability Testing
- Graphic and Logo Design
- Multimedia Development : Animated, Flash-based presentations, Audio/Video Digitization, CD-ROM development
We design websites not only for corporate web presence but also to capture the attention of all your target audiences keeping in mind the ultimate user experience.
• User Interface Design
• Information Architecture
• Content Strategy and Development
• Usability Testing
User Interface Design
We believe that good design is more than just that. A good design is created with a specific result in mind -- to elicit a particular response from the user. Whether that response is as simple as getting newsletter subscription or the all-important final step in an e-commerce transaction, user interface is the main catalyst in these situations. Which is why you need more than just good design; you need a functional, user-oriented interface that delivers the results.
We believe in creating interfaces that are a balance between the heart and the mind. Apart from the visual appeal and branding requirements, the interfaces do full justice to the functional requirements demanded from them. The user interface forms the bridge between the user and the technological back-end that is the backbone of all business sites today.
Information Architecture
Information Architecture draws from the architectural principles of space and movement, translating them to the Web environment. It is essentially the method of creating, structuring and organizing information according to predefined levels or categories; and makes it easy for users to scent out the information they are looking for.
Movement is an essential part of the web experience and any movement becomes difficult unless there are clearly defined paths or guides. A solid Information Architecture creates these paths and guides the user through them. Sites with a well thought out Information Architecture are easy to use, thus prompting user-loyalty.
At Module One, usability is the key focus of our work. A sturdy Information Architecture creates the framework for usability. In developing Information Architecture we study the goals of both the user and the client and understand their needs.
Content Strategy and Development
Content is king. We believe that compelling content is critical in sustaining user interest, enhancing user recall of a brand and increasing revisits to a website.
We formulate content strategies with the aim to develop a website's content based on information architecture to optimize the user experience of the website. Content strategy helps to create and define a consistent and optimal user experience of a website, a product/service, an organization and a brand.
We research, collate and create content with attention to user-interest, navigation and contextual relevance. This culminates in content prototypes developed for key pages so that information architecture, design and interface come together to create a wholesome user experience.
Usability Testing
A critical and often overlooked component of Internet presence is usability. A website is a collection of interacting and interdependent parts that are organized in a particular manner to meet specified objectives (like brand enhancement, communication).
At spss SoftWeb Developers, we conduct usability testing to find out whether a website meets its intended purpose. Usability testing is an empirical exercise that reveals if the website objectives are being met or not. This involves observation, recording and analysis of the process of the website being used by intended target audience. The main outcomes of usability testing include a list of usage-level problems and corrective recommendations
- 24x7 promotion of your company brand and services
- Most reliable and efficient medium of promotion
- Highest level of interaction possible with your company
- Easy to access, portable and scalable and dynamic marketing tool
- Unique advantage of reaching the audience across the continents.